Common Strategy for Energy Security in Europe
The letter referring to European Energy Security Strategy – Renovation of buildings is the solution was sent to the Head of State on 23 September 2014. The letter was signed by representatives of leading industries. All signatories believe that increased energy security cannot be achieved without a substantial focus and effort in the field of energy efficiency

Supporters of Renovate Europe Campaign
Annie Podimata, Spyros Danellis, Nikos Chrysogelos, Maria Piniou-Kalli, Rodi Kratsa, Stelios Kympouropoulos , Olga Theodorikakou, Theodoros Skylakakis, Giannis Tsoukalas and Kostas Chrysogonos – MEP supports Renovate Europe Campaign by signing REC’s Manifesto. Increasing the rates for deep energy retrofits across Europe is among the main paths to achieve EU energy targets.

INZEB at Domicatec 2014
Within the framework of Domicatec 2014, Building Green Magazine organised a half – day conference on Sustainable Constructions – Deep Energy Retrofits. Alice Corovessi, INZEB Founding Member and Secretary of the Bod was an invited speaker. During her presentation on Existing Building Stock and the aim of Renovate Europe Campaign, Ms. Corovessi highlighted – among others – the importance of

Renovation Workshop Results
The Institute of Zero Energy Buildings – INZEB.ORG, National Supporting Partner of Renovate Europe Campaign, during and in the context of the Green Building Expo 2014, organised the first interactive workshop on energy reduction, looking specifically at the renovation of two apartments in Greece, one in Florina (northern Greece) and one in Athens. The workshop’s aim was that

Official Launch of the Manifesto
On 12th March, the Renovate Europe Campaign published its European Elections Manifesto calling on candidate MEPs to sign a Pledge to “STOP Energy Waste in Buildings”. The Campaign will undertake 3 Days of Action in the European Parliament on 1st, 2nd, 3rd April 2014 in Brussels. “Stopping energy waste in buildings is becoming a top