Online Workshop “Energy cooperatives in Central and Eastern Europe as means to empower local communities in their sustainable transition”

The online workshop “Energy cooperatives in Central and Eastern Europe as means to empower local communities in their sustainable transition”, is organised by the projects CONGREGATE, SCORE and Solar Cities, under EUKI Networking Conference 2021, on Wednesday, November 24th, 2021, at 10:15-11:45 CET.

The workshop’s aim is to discuss and exchange practical ways to strengthen the development of public-private partnerships in local communities that enable the setting and operation of renewable energy cooperatives. Also, it will enable the direct networking and exchange of successful practices and knowledge among stakeholders from EUKI sister initiatives, as well as among other funding programmes (Horizon 2020). Furthermore, it will be a means of inspiration and empowerment to representatives of local authorities, serving as a platform to raise their concerns and share their experience in the process of energy transition, recognising that cities are indeed driving engines for climate action as well as innovation.

The speakers of the workshop:
▪️ Sara Giovannini, Energy Cities
▪️ Alice Corovessi, INZEB
▪️ Dragomir Tzanev, EnEffect
▪️ Jiří Karásek, SEVEn
▪️ Ivaylo Trendafilov, Burgas Municipality
▪️ Todor Galev, Center for the Study of Democracy

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