INZEB is thrilled to announce its active participation in the highly anticipated International Annual Conference on Energy Poverty, set to take place on the 19th and 20th of September 2023 at the historic Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Poland. This remarkable event is being organised in collaboration with the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) and the Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER) of the European Commission, with support from the City of Warsaw, the European Committee of the Regions, and the Polish Network Energie-Cités (PNEC). It brings together a diverse group of policymakers, experts, and stakeholders, all committed to addressing the pressing issue of energy poverty while fostering sustainable solutions at the grassroots level.
At the heart of INZEB’s participation lies a parallel session titled “From Diagnosis to Planning: Harnessing the Effective Use of Indicators”. This session promises to be an enlightening exploration into the realm of energy poverty indicators, data analysis, and the art of effective local-level planning. During this engaging presentation, we will take a deep dive into the intricacies of energy poverty measurement, emphasising the crucial role of the EPAH indicators’ dashboard. We will also candidly discuss the challenges faced in this field and explore potential avenues for improvement. Moreover, we are excited to present tangible examples of how forward-thinking cities have harnessed these indicators to measure and strategically plan their actions.
INZEB’s commitment to combatting energy poverty goes beyond the conference room. With pride, we will share our invaluable experience, having provided energy poverty diagnosis and mitigation support to no less than 20 municipalities through 5 Technical Assistance contracts. This significant effort represents an impactful 6% of Greek Municipalities, underlining our dedication to making a difference in the lives of those affected by energy poverty.
We invite you to join us in this enlightening dialogue at the conference and learn more about the conference by visiting the official event page here.