INZEB at the Webinar of UECNA: Flying and Climate

Join us today, Wednesday, 24 July 2024, at 18.00 CEST, in an informative dialogue organised by UECNA – Union Européenne Contre les Nuisances Aériennes / European Union Against Aircraft Nuisances on Climate and Aviation.

Mrs Alice Corovessi, Coordinator of the EU Climate Pact in Greece and INZEB’s Managing Director, together with Mrs Debi Wagner, author and one of America’s most experienced aviation campaigner, will discuss how to address aviation’s climate impact to achieve broader climate goals. Mrs Corovessi will present the EU Climate Pact initiative and its objectives, and will showcase the role and activities of the EU Climate Pact Ambassadors in Greece.

You can register for the webinar on UECNA’s website.

The video of the webinar is available here.

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