INZEB at RICS in Greece – 1st Sustainability Forum

We are delighted to announce our participation in the 1st RICS in Greece Sustainability Forum: Future Steps toward Decarbonization, dedicated to shaping the future of sustainability in Greece’s building. The event will take place on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at OTE Headquarters, Marousi.

Our Managing Director, Mrs Alice Corovessi, was invited to join the panel discussion “Cities – where the fight will be won (or lost)”, where she will discuss about the vital revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), a topic at the heart of Buildings’ Decarbonisation, and at the forefront of Europe’s quest for a greener, more sustainable future.

The panel will be moderated by Yannis Daskalakis, MRICS, Member of RICS Greece Sustainability Working Group, and will also feature Evangelos Marinakis, Professor at National Technical University of Athens and Representative of Municipality of Athens on Sustainability, and Theodora Antonakaki, Climate and Sustainable Centre Director, Bank of Greece.

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