Renovate Europe Day 2022, Brussels

The Renovate Europe Day 2022 is taking place at the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday, October 27th, 2022.

INZEB, as a National Partner of the Renovate Europe Campaign, will be present at the event and will contribute to the discussions which will follow in between the presentations. Key note speaker of this years REDay2022, will be the President of the European Commission, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen. Among the invited speakers there will also be, MEP Ciaran Cuffe (Greens/EFA, Ireland), Louise Sunderland, Regulatory Assistance Project, Oliver Rapf, BPIE, Vilislava Ivanova, E3G, Ralf Goldmann, European Investment Bank, and Stanislas Jourdan, Positive Money Europe.

The main discussion topic of the event will concern the buildings’ energy renovation and why it is a sustainable solution to address energy security, tackle climate goals, and meet social justice objectives. In addition, the EED and the EPBD are to be discussed, with focus on the ways that the two Directives can support REPowerEU and the decarbonisation goals, and to what extent the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans and MFF funding are transforming the EU building stock and helping to address bottlenecks such as workforce upskilling to deliver results on the ground.

Click here and discover more information on the event and agenda.

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