RenoValue: Market Insights Report

Within the framework of the RenoValue project, which is funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE), a report was conducted regarding the real estate connection to sustainability and energy efficiency factors.
The results, which are presented in this report, are based on the findings of a series of roundtable discussions, on the results of a survey which was conducted in May and July 2014, as well as on a workshop held during the World Sustainable Building Conference in October 2014. The 3 key questions the report answers are:

  • What is the level of awareness and knowledge of real estate valuation professionals in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability?
  • What are the obstacles to the integration of sustainability and energy efficiency factors during the assessment process of a property?
  • What is the sense in the local markets regarding the added value of energy efficient and sustainable building?

Download the report “Drivers for change: Strengthening the role of valuation professionals in market transition” in pdf: RenoValue – Market Insight Report.

INZEB acts as an external partner of RenoValue project for Greece and Cyprus.

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