INZEB contributes at Changemaker Hackathon event

The last Changemaker Hackathon event under the Erasmus+ We4change project, is taking place on the 17 and 18 December 2022 in Thessaloniki, organised by Stimmuli for Social Change.

Targeting girls and women aged 15-25 years old, the event will focus on clean and affordable energy, with the goal to inspire the girls involved through actions and business initiatives, as those will be presented on the first day. In addition, thematic workshops, empowering participants with new skills and training methods, such as design thinking, digital skills workshop, and pitching workshop, will follow on the second day.

In this context, INZEB is invited and will contribute to the event represented by the Managing Director, Alice Corovessi, sharing insights and experience on energy-related issues, analysing the phenomenon of energy poverty and its impact on the lives of citizens in Greece and explaining the importance of energy democracy and how it can be achieved.

Alongside the workshops, the girls will be divided into teams to think of an innovative solution that has a digitally – entrepreneurial aspect regarding an environmental challenge in their region. The solution will be relevant to the theme (clean and sustainable energy). Once they have come up with their idea, they will present it at the end of the event on day 2 to a panel of experts who will give them feedback.

Click here for the agenda of the event.

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