INZEB at Triple-A’s Final European Roadshow

The online event “Facilitating Energy Efficiency Project Financing at an Early Stage: Recommendations from the Triple-A project“, organised by the H2020 Triple-A Project, is taking place tomorrow on Tuesday 10 May 2022, at 13.00 – 16.30 CET. The event will be hosted by the Dutch Triple-A partners ABN AMRO and IEECP, in collaboration with all the partners of the project.

INZEB is invited and Alice Corovessi, Managing Director, INZEB will present both in the 1st session “Triple-A contribution to Energy Efficiency Financing” and in the 3rd “Stakeholder Perspectives” of the event, as partner of the synergy H2020 SMAFIN project and as Advisory Board Member of Triple-A project, respectively.

The SMAFIN project has a well-established collaboration and common field of action and interest with the Triple-A project and during the event you will have the opportunity to learn about issues such as the financing of energy efficiency projects, the results of the benchmarking of investment proposals, in the context of the Triple-A project through the Standard Triple-A Tools.

For more information on the event, as well as the agenda, click here.

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