INZEB at the 10th Anniversary of Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Greece

The Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Thessaloniki, celebrates its 10th anniversary with a 2-day event, which will take place on Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 June 2022, in Thessaloniki, aiming at identifying the essential elements that could pave the way towards energy democracy in Greece.

On the first day participants of the conference will form questions and propose ideas, regarding empowering open and inclusive energy communities, energy democracy and its foundations and protect human rights at all levels. On the second day different events will take place, trying to examine, whether the ideas as formed from the questions, can be implemented.

INZEB will be at the event and Alice Corovessi, Managing Director of INZEB will participate, talking about energy poverty mitigation in Greece, regarding the energy crisis that the world is facing and how citizens can be part of it, securing their right to energy.

For more information on the event, click here.

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