INZEB at Sustainability Forum 2022

On October 7th, at the Electra Palace Athens, a leading consulting company in the field of Sustainability, Global Sustain, will hold the Annual Conference “Global Sustain Sustainability Forum 2022“.
INZEB, as an institutional partner of Global Sustain will attend the event, which will be on corporate, social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and ESG criteria, as well.

Our partnership with Global Sustain and its network of members, began in June 2022 and seals and empowers our actions on the energy transition pathway.

This conference consists of a great opportunity to be informed on all the latest trends and important issues in the subject of Sustainable Development and ESG criteria by leaders in the field.
The conference will be held exclusively live.

In addition, the previous day, Thursday 6 October 2022, various workshops will take place, at the Electra Metropolis in Athens, with limited attendance.
Follow the link, for more information on the event, registration process and agenda.

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