Energy Communities Discuss about Energy Communities

Since the enactment of the law 4513/2018, more than 400 Energy Communities have been established, with the aim of contributing to the energy transition and becoming the vehicles through which citizens, small businesses, and local authorities can have an active role as micro-investors and co-owners of local RES projects.


The workshop “Energy Communities discuss about Energy Communities. Developments, perspectives, and challenges”, for the first time will pave the way through an open discussion, for Energy Communities from all over Greece to present their vision, their plans and to share their concerns and the challenges they face. In addition, the latest developments and issues related to the financing, legislation, and strengthening of the networking and representation of the Energy Communities will be discussed. Experts in the field of Energy Communities have been invited to contribute to the discussion flow, and above all, they will listen and record the results in order to plan the next steps.

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