On Saturday 8 October 2022, Alice Corovessi, Managing Director of INZEB was invited to the TV Talk Show Karta Melous, of the Hellenic Parliament TV οn a discussion on energy issues, in view of the energy crisis experienced by citizens worldwide.
In this context, Alice Corovessi, discussed the findings and key recommendations as presented in the recently launched report “Clean” Energy Bills for all citizens in the EU”, an initiative of INZEB, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Thessaloniki, and the Consumers’ Association “The Quality of Life” EKPIZO. The initiative is also supported by the European Consumer Organisation BEUC. “Clean” Energy Bills for all citizens in the EU” addresses how energy bills should be structured to be understandable and easy to read by consumers. In addition, it highlights the necessity of removing the third-party charges which aren’t related to electricity consumption.
Reference was also made to the transformation of a high energy consuming Care Home in the wider area of Thessaloniki into a Zero Energy Building, also explaining the social dimensions and the health benefits deriving from the action.
The discussion also joined experts from Greenpeace Greece, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Thessaloniki, the Consumers’ Association “The Quality of Life” EKPIZO, GREENESCO, and the Minoan Energy Community.
Follow the link and watch the recording of the Talk Show.